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Hello Seven Reviews (Rachel Rodgers)

Rachel Polka Dots

Rachel Rodgers got the kinda hair that could tame lions, inspire poets, and solve the world’s biggest problems.

She’s the founder of Hello 7 and We Should All Be Millionaires: The Club, where she helps historically excluded individuals get the training, mindset, mentorship, and network they need to grow their businesses.

Rachel has some questions for you. 

Are you maximizing your earning potential?

Are you making as much cheddar as you possibly can?

If you’ve already started a side hustle or business, are you taking it to its full potential? Or leaving money on the table, the chair, and the whole damn floor?

More than likely, it’s the latter.

There’s a voice inside of you that scream-whispers, “I want more outta life!”

That’s a powerful voice. You oughta listen to it, Rachel says.

Stop getting derailed by shiny objects and start making the million dollar moves you know you need to be making.

Rachel’s recommendations?

Weigh your worth.

Do a two-week time study to see how you’re really spending your days.

What can you delegate or delete? How can you free up an extra 10 hours a week?

Finesse your framework.

Take an inventory of your past experience, expertise and IP assets, then create a rough draft of your framework.

What is the process for how you do what you do? Figure it out, formalize it. Create one system and stick to it like glue.

Power your profits.

Establish a habit of looking at your money daily. Checking account, Venmo, PayPal, credit card balances, your credit score.

Set up bookkeeping software so you can track business expenses accurately. Or, just keep burying your head in the sand and hope it all works out.

Werk your strengths.

What are you really freaking good at? How can you adjust your approach so you’re doing more of those things each day?

Top your team.

Expand your support squad. Outsource stuff like laundry, house cleaning, groceries, yard work, and anything else that can be done by just about anyone for cheap.

Even if you’re just hiring someone for a few hours a week, do that, start there.

Rachel Pink Lipstick

Sort your systems.

Do The Daily 7: seven daily habits that make you financially and emotionally rich.

Take your self-care to the next level. Establish routines and practices that keep you feeling mentally and physically strong.

Girl, you’re gonna need that strength for the journey ahead.

Build your brand.

Write a bio that tells your story. It could be a couple sentences or go crazy and fill an entire page.

Include your relevant skills and experiences, any results you’ve gotten for clients, and a brief statement about why you’re so passionate about what you do.

Focus your fans.

Build your audience by telling everyone you know about your work. Friends, family, any social media followers, your old college roommate, your next DoorDash driver – everybody, every single day.

Master your model.

Create an offer to sell and deliver. If it works, tweak and repeat. If it doesn’t, reassess and try again.

Get your first offer out there and work with actual paying customers.

Those are the moves that need to be your priority right now, according to alliteration addict Rachel Rodgers.

If you’re picking up what she’s putting down, you should join her We Should All Be Millionaires Club.

Cost is $3,995 per year.

What you get:

  • A vast library of business trainings
  • Weekly group coaching on marketing, sales, operations, systems, finance, hiring, and mindset
  • Exclusive online member community
  • Access to a member directory
  • And the opportunity to purchase 1:1 coaching sessions

Damn. $4k a year plus upsells once you’re inside?

I guess now we know how Rachel became a millionaire.


Q: Rachel Rodgers age?

A: She’s 42, which I think is a pretty good age. Your skin still looks decent, you’ve worked through your daddy issues, and none of your friends have died of colon cancer yet.

Q: Rachel Rodgers husband?

A: Yep, his name is Dediako Rodgers. They’ve been married 20 years and have four kids together – the kinda family that makes stock photos look like they’re not even trying.

Q: Rachel Rodgers net worth?

A: I don’t have an exact number, but Rachel describes herself as a still-frugal multimillionaire. Whereas, I tip 25% for mediocre service but can’t pay off my credit cards most months.

Q: Does Rachel have a podcast?

A: Indeed. The Hello Seven Podcast uploads new episodes about once a week, where Rachel and her guests answer questions, dish out inspiration, and discuss pivotal moments that busted their businesses open like a buttermilk biscuit. (Ooh, I do love a country breakfast!)

Q: Does Rachel have a Wikipedia page?

A: Jesus, what more do you need to know? Shall we carve out a glory hole in her bedroom for you to peak through when it’s not in use? No, she does not have a Wikipedia page.

Q: What’s it like to work at Hello7?

A: Average, according to 27 employee reviews left on Glassdoor, with only 45% saying they would refer a friend. The most alarming con listed was “emotionally abusive and dangerous leadership.” Sounds a lot like my childhood.

Q: Has Reddit weighed in on HelloSeven?

A: Reddit done broke the scale. One person called it a “coaching MLM.” Another said that Rachel taking credit for anyone who succeeds but bucking responsibility for those who fail is “classic cult behavior and mind control.” This other chick had already invested $8k with Rachel and was considering shelling out another $25k for her Business Incubator despite no results so far. Yuck.

Q: Can you recommend an alternative?

A: Yeah, rank content in Google and monetize the traffic – like I’m doing here. Watch this video.

Katie Smith: Slip into your give-up pants, crack open a White Claw, and plop yourself down on the couch. We need to talk about the absolute dumpster fire that is the online course and coaching industry.