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AffiliateX ROI Reviews (Christopher Pham)

Christopher Christmas

Christopher Pham was probably adored by his 5th-grade teacher, Mrs. Thompson, for boosting the overall standardized test scores.

His sales page for AffiliateX ROI is a highlight reel of every old guru trick in the book.

You’ve got the “As Seen on Yahoo Finance!” flex, as if a press release anyone can buy for $199 means anything.

There’s montages of CNBC “breaking news” clips that have literally nothing to do with him.

Plus a Tony Robbins quote that’s been beat deader than my daddy issues. 

Oh, and don’t forget the completely real social proof popups every 12 seconds in the corner, showing people supposedly booking calls, as if the FOMO from Marco in Toledo is gonna be the thing that makes me buy.

Is Christopher really spending 10 whole minutes explaining why a 9-5 sucks and how passive income is the holy grail?

What’s next, is he gonna tell us to dance like no one’s watching?

Or to live, laugh, love?!

I take back the “smart” comment – anyone with half a brain knows these tactics turn people off faster than they reel them in.

Now this nerd’s painstakingly dissecting every side hustle – stocks, dropshipping, Amazon FBA, YouTube automation – like we’ve got six hours to sit here and wait for his grand point.

(Can I punch someone over the internet?)

Finally, he gets to the pitch.

With what Christopher does, you can consistently make thousands of dollars, even if you have no following, no tech or sales skills, no experience, and best of all, no customer support.

Chris claims he’s pulling in over $20,000 a month from this.

As you might’ve guessed from the name of his stupid program, the business model is affiliate marketing.

And before you say you’ve already tried it and failed, just shush. According to Chris, that’s because some guru gave you bad info.

Sure, bro – pot, meet kettle.

Affiliate marketing can work, Chris promises, and it’s one of the best ways to replace your income.

Here’s why:

  • You get to leverage another company’s resources.
  • Enjoy nearly 100% profit margins.
  • Have way more control over your success.
  • And it’s been around forever and withstood the test of time.

Give me a second while I staple my blown mind back together.

Chris Out Back

With ad costs skyrocketing and target audiences numb to ads anyways, companies are happy to pay you hefty commissions for sending them sales.

This is why most major brands offer affiliate programs: Sonic, McDonald’s, Starbucks, Subway, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Applebee’s, Red Lobster, iHop… and basically anywhere else diabetes is served, right?

Isn’t affiliate marketing saturated though?

No, Christopher assures us. In fact, it’s projected to grow into a $350 billion industry. And besides, anything worthwhile will have some competition.

Okay, but what will you be doing – just spamming links everywhere?

Not unless you’re an idiot, Chris says. What he teaches is how to be unique, add value, and build trust.


Do you need to know how to build a website, write copy that makes people fall head over heels for these products, and master every marketing channel?

Of course not, Chris counters. Do you go and build a car from scratch when you need to drive somewhere? No, you buy a Toyota or call an Uber. Affiliate marketing’s no different – there are options out there that are 90% done for you, so you can focus on one simple strategy and forget the rest.

Can you learn the ropes on YouTube for free?

In 15 minutes, when Chris stops laughing, he’ll answer that for you. Spoiler: No, stupid – you gotta pay a mentor. Duh.

And Chris wants to be that mentor for you.

He’s figured out free traffic – viral reels, that is – so you can make thousands in commissions without ever giving Facebook or YouTube a dime.

Chris claims that with just 20 minutes a day using his system, you could be pocketing up to $12,000 daily in affiliate commissions.

No mention of how much The AffiliateX ROI Mentorship Program costs, or why Chris would rather do 95% of the work for you instead of keeping the money printer all to himself.

But yeah.

I’ll skip this disaster and spend my money on something more meaningful – like lip fillers.

Katie Smith: Slip into your give-up pants, crack open a White Claw, and plop yourself down on the couch. We need to talk about the absolute dumpster fire that is the online course and coaching industry.