Peter J Voogd reminds us that more wealth is created during a recession than any other time. But it’s not just going to fall into your lap. What you do right now matters. With the world upside down, with businesses closing their doors and people losing their jobs, with all the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, this is a pivotal point in your life. Will you bum yourself out watching the news and numb yourself with Netflix, or double down on your skills and make some money?
NEXT: Speaking Of Recession-Proofing Your Income
It’s a known fact that sixty-eight percent of Fortune 500 companies were started during a recession or depression. During downturns, everything is on sale. Pessimism creates room for more profit. The money has not disappeared; it’s just changing hands, going to those who are ready to receive it. Peter would know. In 2008, after the worst economic decline since the Great Depression, he made his first six figures on the internet. And he didn’t stop there.
For the last thirteen plus years, Peter has been on a tear, creating six and seven figure businesses in nine different industries online. You may know him from his bestselling book, 6 Months to 6 Figures, or from his GameChangers Academy, or his Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle (Y.E.L. 2.0) podcast, or his Forbes feature, or just from the lifestyle pics he shares on Instagram, but you probably know him. The kid from Small Town, Oregon has been making big moves.
Now he wants to bundle up his secret tools and proven strategies to help you survive this tough time we’re in, and then set yourself up to thrive once it’s over. His all-in-one Recession-Proof Package will teach you how to develop an unshakeable mindset and level up your skillset. You’ll get productivity tricks, audio recordings of interviews Peter did with top entrepreneurs, blueprints, courses, masterclasses, Millionaire Mentor calls, Q&A calls, and much more.

Upon joining, you’ll get instant access to all of Peter’s money making goodies. Access anywhere from any device. Go at your own pace. Attend the live calls or catch the replays. If you’re brand new, Peter suggests you start with his $1k in 30 Days program. If you’re more advanced, skip straight to the 6 Months to 6 Figures course. To supplement, listen to the Elite Perspectives interviews while you’re doing your cardio or driving or doing things around the house.
Each training comes with a clear action guide to ensure the end result is mastery and not information overload. Still, how do you know the VIP Recession-Proof Package will work for you? In a word, experience. Between Peter and all of the wealthy business owners he’s interviewed, you’re getting battle-tested advice that has been broken down into easy to understand modules. There’s no fluff and no nonsense. Peter has over three hundred testimonials to back this up.
How much does the VIP Recession-Proof Package cost? It’s a one-time fee of four hundred and ninety-seven dollars. Occasionally Peter runs a special and sells it for one hundred and ninety-seven dollars. No mention of a refund policy. Unclear how long he’ll keep the doors open. Overall, I think it’s a lot of value for the money. Peter’s a proven commodity. My one and only objection is this: other than the mindset stuff, which is universally applicable, I wonder if the lack of specificity will make it hard to execute on.