Mike Thomas looks like the cool uncle at the cookout who slips you a beer behind your parents’ back.
According to him, cybersecurity is one of the best ways to break into tech – high demand, great pay, and no degree or experience required.
Mike’s company, Day0, offers affordable training and certification, making it easy to learn cybersecurity part-time.
How’s that sound? Like a warm basket of Cheddar Bay Biscuits at Red Lobster? Damn straight.
Read on for Day0 reviews.
Mike hands it over to Tyler, one of the instructors at Day0.
Tyler earned his undergrad degree at Harvard and went on to complete graduate school at the University of Virginia before working for two leading cybersecurity companies.
With a decade of experience hiring talent for those companies, Tyler knows exactly what it takes to sneak past the barriers and land a six-figure job in cybersecurity.
Tyler also has great hair.
Mine, on the other hand, looks like I’ve been riding in the back of a GMC Sierra doing 90 down the interstate.
If you ask Tyler, the Day0 Cybersecurity Fundamentals course is the best first step to a career in cybersecurity because it assumes zero prior knowledge and it’s open to everyone.
- You also get access to the Cybersecurity Analyst+ course.
- It’s designed to be as simple as possible.
- The full program takes about 80 hours over eight weeks.
- Go faster or slower if you want.
- Receive as much support as you need along the way.
- Expert advisors are standing by to answer your questions.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Systems and network security
- Governance risk and compliance
- Identity management
- Tools and strategies
- Preparation for certifications you’ll want to attain
Plus, you’ll gain real experience working with brands that’ve partnered with the Day0 Institute.
I feel like all these “anyone can work in tech” offers are like telling me I could show up and be a plumber, even though my entire understanding of plumbing is that Mr. Flushie won’t swallow the poopy wet-wet.
It just seems like a stretch to think I could watch some videos and suddenly be qualified to handle whatever chaos might come up on the job.

Either way, once you’ve completed everything, Mike and Tyler and the team will hand you a certificate you can slap on your resume right away.
They even provide job placement assistance, whatever that means.
Unlike other cybersecurity bootcamps, Day0 is upfront about their pricing: $3,000, or as low as $103 per month through a financing partner.
And it comes with a seven-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee, plus a promise: if you don’t land a cybersecurity job within six months, you’re eligible for a full refund.
Mike and Tyler deserve a monument built in their honor for that offer.
There are a variety of roles you can snag when it’s all said and done, such as:
- Cybersecurity Analyst
- Cybersecurity Engineer
- Incident Response Professional
- SOC Manager
- And more
Day Zero’s courses will help you find the perfect fit.
It’s also worth noting that most of these positions require no programming skills whatsoever.
Plus, your mentors and advisors are vetted industry pros with years of experience in cybersecurity.
The opportunity is growing, too – cybersecurity is expected to expand by 31% over the next five years.
Every company needs cybersecurity, from your local book store to Google and everything in between.
And the best part?
It’s recession-proof. Cyberattacks don’t care if Nvidia hits an all-time high or tumbles 20% overnight.
Day0 Institute averages 4.95 stars on Course Report, and even Reddit – yes, Reddit – had good things to say.
So yeah, I approve, but I don’t see myself doing it – nor would I want to.
Why? Because starting an internet business is so much easier.
You don’t have to answer to anyone or jump through any hoops, and you can earn as much as you want.