Lucas Lee-Tyson is what happens when you’re dead inside and all that’s left is a relentless hunger for other people’s money.
He’s got more offers than Miami has Cubans.
Always pitching the next big thing – Facebook ads, YouTube ads, make your own course, read scripts into your phone, now it’s white-label apps.
Every few months, it’s a new funnel, a new program, but the same old promise of getting rich quick and easy.
Swear to God, this dude would watch your funeral from a distance, holding an umbrella.
Continue for Passive Apps reviews.
Lucas doesn’t mean to be rude, but if you’re still trying to make money online with ecommerce, affiliate marketing, real estate, or stock market investing, sorry – you’re doing it all wrong.
Instead, you should be riding the wave of white-label apps.
This is where you take an app that someone else has already made and resell it for a profit.
By doing so, you can tap into the $1 trillion a year in revenue that flows through the app store. And, believe it or not, most of that money gets paid out to normal, everyday people.
At least, that’s what Lucas wants you to believe.
In his opinion, this is the fastest, easiest, and safest way for anyone with a phone to create automated income.
Lucas says white-label apps let him retire at 24. Funny, because three offers ago, it was a digital marketing agency that did the trick.
Facts, schmacks, right?
I have a sneaking suspicion that when the FTC finally takes him down, he’ll be genuinely baffled – like he’s too dense to realize he’s been scamming people all along, despite the trail of lawsuits behind him.
Lucas claims he’s got multiple apps that pay him daily without lifting a finger.
But he’s more proud of teaching this system to everyone from high school dropouts to 70-year-old retirees – many of whom, he says, have seen pretty incredible results.
Instagram tells a different story.
He and his Growth Cave cofounder, Ozzie Blessed, seem most proud of their mansion, supercars, Rolexes, and chains.
PS, Ozzie Blessed? I guess when you’re selling dreams, you might as well go all in on the name too. Zero chance Ozzie isn’t the type to wear sunglasses indoors.

Lucas promises that anyone can follow his simple four-step system to create a new passive income stream straight from their phone.
All of his ads push you to a “free web class” where he’ll teach you everything, leaving no stone unturned.
Only, it’s an agonizing two-hour pitch for his Passive Apps Lab course, which costs $1,999.
Here’s what you get:
- Passive Apps 2024 Video Course
- Weekly live training with Lucas
- Private PAL community
- Quality control service
- AI app software (beta access)
- 8 stupid bonuses
- 1-year money-back guarantee they’ll probably never honor
- Plus, I’m guessing, upsells until your credit cards are nothing but a pile of ashes
How this guy is still galloping through newsfeeds with opportunities galore is beyond me.
Skim through the 1-star Trustpilot reviews, the Better Business Bureau complaints, the Reddit threads that tear apart his character, the lawsuits from past students, or the Growth Cave Fraud Victims Facebook Group, and it’s hard to believe he’s still making sales.
Maybe it’s the tempting Afterpay Financing he offers right on the sales page. Can’t afford Lucas’ course? No problem, he’s got a solution for that – pawning you off on some seedy company where you’ll be trapped in a high-interest loan you can’t default on.
These poor people think they’re investing in their future, only to end up with a melting ice cube for a credit score and an app that never gets downloaded.
Meanwhile, Lucas ends up with a Ferrari.