Devslopes is a company that will help you build apps through immersive learning and 1-on-1 mentoring. Can they really help you build a 6-figure coding career? What makes ’em different than all the other courses and bootcamps that are out there? What programs do they offer and how much do they cost? I’ll answer all this and more in my Devslopes review. “So no other coding course or online bootcamp offers mentorships like we do,” says some dude with cauliflower ears.
“That’s what makes us different,” he continues. “That’s what’s gonna take you from where you are to where you’re trying to go. Right? You need mentorship from a professional. You don’t need it from a bootcamp where you’re gonna be learning from past bootcamp students. It just doesn’t really work like that. But this mentorship, here’s what it can give you. Caleb came to us with a lifelong goal of becoming a coder. At the time, he was teaching English overseas. He had no college experience.”
“He thought he needed to go back to school to get a comp sci degree. And on top of that, Caleb just wasn’t sure that he was smart enough. But within 12 months of coming to Devslopes, he took these skills and landed a 6-figure career in coding. Again, with absolutely no background experience. Now he works at Intuit. So this is the type of opportunity you have ahead of yourself. According to ZipRecruiter, the average Junior React Dev salary, nationwide, is right at $95,000. That’s what we’re aiming for.”
There are three secrets to going pro at coding. One, you gotta write code that anyone can understand. Two, it’s gotta be code that’s easy to change and maintain. And three, the code has to be scalable. So while, sure, there’s a lot of people out there learning code, very few of ’em can meet these criteria. If you can, you’ll be more valuable; and therefore, more likely to snag a 6-figure job working for one of these big companies. The Devslopes Web Academy will set you up for this type of success.

Inside, you’ll find step by step videos, text documents, exercises, homework, a Discord channel for communication and support, and more. You’ll get personal feedback on the projects you submit. Not just a thumbs up or a thumbs down, which is what most programs do. But actual line-by-line feedback on what you did well and what could be improved upon. Once you complete the curriculum, you’ll move to a training on how to book your first $10,000 in freelance coding work.
This is key for building your confidence, your portfolio, your references, so you can show up to interviews with some momentum behind you. “This is what makes us special,” homeboy continues. “We’re covering every single area. It’s so simple and it’s so effective. And finally, we have the Academy Career Package. How do you put your knowledge and experience together and package it into something that employers will actually want to see? That’s what this section is all about.”
“We’re gonna show ya how to build your resume. The trick to get your actual interviews done. We’ll give you resume templates you can use. Your mentor will then give you feedback on the resume you come up with. Bottom line, if you come into Devslopes, the one guarantee that we give every single student? We guarantee you will get a job if you join this program. If not, we will work with you until you get that job.” Cost to enroll is apparently $10,000+. My question: won’t AI tools like ChatGPT make coders irrelevant?