Jon Margalit looks like he could set enemies on fire with his mind.
After getting canned from three corporate jobs in a row, he decided, “Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
But what kind of business should he start?
A quick Google search suggested home cleaning – flexible, low overhead, recession-proof, not likely to be replaced by AI, and could be run remotely from a laptop without ever touching a mop or vacuum.
So he launched Happy Home Helpers with no experience, scaling to $600k in revenue in the first year and $1.3 million in the second.
If the 9-to-5 has you feeling like a block of colby jack sliding up and down a cheese grater, Jon’s latest venture, Rags To Riches University, is your way out.
Inside, he teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to start, grow, and manage a cleaning business without gagging into some stranger’s toilet as you scrub the stains off the bowl.
Here’s what’s awesome about cleaning businesses:
- They’re always in high demand.
- Even when unemployment’s up, markets are down, and the world is in shambles.
- Get this: The residential cleaning industry has grown over 6.5% every year since 2011.
- A whopping 80% of households are projected to use cleaning services this year.
- There’s incredibly low startup costs and overhead.
- The earning potential is unlimited.
- It’s recurring revenue since homes need cleaned on a regular basis.
- And it’s safe to build for the future.
Jesus, Jon.
If you keep selling me on this, I might hafta dry hump a pillow.
“Maybe stop focusing on the daily grind, and start focusing on the daily grime,” he laughs.
Rags To Riches U instructs you on exactly what needs done to get a cleaning business up, running, attracting paying customers, and building authority online.
All lessons are packaged into a self-paced, step-by-step course.
What’s covered?
- Adopting a money mindset
- Navigating legal requirements and financial infrastructure
- Creating an internet presence
- Developing systems and operating procedures
- Hiring, training, and managing cleaners
- Finding and retaining paying customers
It’s like somebody held Jon by the ankles and shook out every last drop of wisdom from his brain.

Jon promises the curriculum won’t overwhelm you, no matter how busy you are, even if you’ve never done anything like this before.
He only asks that you’re a hungry, ambitious entrepreneur with a drive to make serious money.
He’s already taught countless others his rags-to-riches cleaning formula.
- Take Eileen, who always wanted to start her own business but didn’t know how. After joining Jon, she rocketed to over $6,000 in revenue within 30 days.
- Or Derek, who made $100,000 in just eight months – $44,000 of which was pure profit.
- And then there’s Abdul, who already had a successful cleaning business for seven years but used RRU to boost his revenue from $3 million a year to over $5 million.
Jon would tie on a barely-there bikini and sashay down the runway, honey – that’s how confident he is in his process.
He offers a 30-day Margalit Money-Back Guarantee.
If you complete all the work and aren’t satisfied with your results, you can get a full refund of your tuition.
There’s no risk and no catch.
Cost varies depending on the level you join at.
Group Coaching:
- Costs $997
- Lifetime access to RRU
- Zoom calls (2 hours per week x 4 weeks)
- Costs $4,997
- Includes everything in Group Coaching, plus:
- Coaching calls (1 hour per week x 4 weeks)
- Help choosing a business name and mission statement
- They teach you how to hire and train staff
- They build your website
- They set up all your apps
- They set up and manage your ads
- Costs $25,000
- Includes everything in Done-With-You, plus:
- Business naming and brand development
- They hire and train your staff to build your website
- They set up all your apps and train you on them
- They set up and manage your ads for the first 60 days
It’s a solid offer at every level, but my knees are buckling under the complexity and stress.
What if you could make just as much by ranking little websites in Google and forwarding the leads to small businesses?
No team, no fulfillment, no talking to anyone – ever.
Profit margins? About 98%.
Yes, really. Tap below and dig in.