Nate Hobi landed a six figure JavaScript position at Amazon without a college degree or taking some silly coding bootcamp. You can have similar success. Nate can help. In fact, he guarantees it. If you’re not making at least $120k per year by the time he’s done mentoring you, he’ll continue working with you for free until you do. Most people trying to break into coding get stuck in tutorial purgatory. They try to learn everything they run into. This is not a good approach.
It can cost you months if not years of time, when you could be following a proven methodology that gets you to a six figure income much faster. Nate’s approach is to start with the end in mind and then work backwards from there. Master the few core skills you’ll need for your first gig and ignore everything else. Why sit in traffic when you could get over in the HOV lane and do 15 over? Book a call with Nate over at his website, JSCareerPlaybook.com, to learn more about his program.
Or maybe you have some objections. Like, why the phone call, right? Look, Nate gets it. He’s an introvert too. But everyone’s situation is different. A 30-minute phone call is the most efficient way for him to learn about your situation and come up with an appropriate game plan. But wait, doesn’t it take years to get qualified for a coding job? Not if you ask Nate. The reason it can take other people years is because they chase their tails and don’t really have the clarity they need. A non-issue when you work with him.
Okay, what about basic JavaScript skills though? Shouldn’t you know the fundamentals, at least, before moving forward? “The answer’s no,” Nate says. “Sure, this would put you ahead and kind of help you out. But we have a mastermind methodology to help you get those fundamental basics as quickly as possible. In terms of how quickly you can expect to see results? Well, you’ll have a high level of clarity within days of working with us. Beyond that, most of our clients land their first gig in around 90 days.”

“But you’re gonna start applying and booking interviews much sooner than that,” Nate continues. “So you’re gonna start to see results really really quickly. But that’s kind of all I have in this quick overview video. I know I didn’t go into a ton of detail on the program here, but again, I invite you to go ahead and book a call with me. I can answer any questions about the exact step by step process we’ll have you go through and can speak to your specific situation and how we can work directly with your scenario.”
Career Accelerator Pro is a 1-on-1, elite program to help you land your first JavaScript job in the shortest amount of time possible, following four simple steps. No. 1, lay a rock-solid foundation for front-end fundamentals (HTML, CSS, and JS). No. 2, go beyond the surface level skills to ensure job readiness with real world projects. No. 3, done for you resume and cover letter copywriting; plus hand-picked, entry-level JavaScript positions in your area; plus a personalized recommendation from Nate’s team. No. 4, learn a successful strategy and mindset for applying, interviewing, and negotiating pay.
The core training’s delivered via videos and worksheets. Real world projects are managed by their team. You’ll have chat access to Nate and can attend live weekly Q&A calls. After completing the course, you can proudly call yourself a frontend engineer, but you can certainly move laterally into other areas of fullstack software engineering. Plan on devoting at least one to two hours a day for three months straight. There’s no mention of cost but they do offer financing. One thing I wish Nate would’ve addressed: how does AI like ChatGPT affect the need for coders moving forward?