Matt Sapaula loves Jesus, tries way too hard with fashion, and went from “hopelessly broke Marine Corps Veteran” to making millions shoveling people into PHP Agency, which is a life insurance agency founded by Patrick Bet-David. Many people think it’s a pyramid scheme, myself included. Matt has a hybrid business model that can make you a full-time income in 90 days or less, working part-time, leveraging the skills and experience you gained in the military. This oughta be good.
As expected, it’s just a recruitment funnel for PHP Agency. “But why life insurance?” Matt says. “Not only is it exploding right now but anytime there’s tough times, everybody flocks to certainty, safety, peace of mind. Everybody thinks real estate or stocks or crypto’s most likely to make you a millionaire. No. Really, it’s financial services. We’re recession-proof. We’re pandemic-proof. We’ve been through multiple market crashes. Our clients don’t leave. We don’t expose ’em to risk. We’re the safe money strategy.”
“But the challenge we have inside the life insurance industry is that not a lot of people are talking about us,” the Faith-Made Millionaire author continues. “There’s 340 million people in America, and 150-, 160 million of ’em need our help. But there’s only, what, 40- or 50,000 life insurance agents – to actually go out and help them? So, there’s a high demand for what we do. People just don’t know what they don’t know. We’re here to educate the overlooked and underserved middle income demographic of America.”
Or, as Reddit would say: to prey on poor people who don’t know any better. But at least PHP Agency doesn’t poach agents from other companies. They take the high road and draft new talent altogether. Talent like you. “Your dreams deserve to become reality,” Matt preaches. “It took courage to put on that uniform and serve your country. You just need a platform to be able to experience the life you’ve always wanted. By the way, did I mention, the life insurance industry is a passive income opportunity?”

Matt’s like a human fast-forward button, racing through his nonsense before anyone catches on. “Today, my wife is my partner in business,” he mumbles. “We work together, we travel the world together, building offices across the country. We go to our church, raise our family. We build. Our life. Together. So if you want us to help you personally make $18- to $20k a month using this same system? Assuming you can follow basic directions and you’re 100% committed to hitting your income goals and you’re an action-taker and can stick with this for at least 90 days?”
Matt never finishes his thought. Instead, he talks about some of the hoops you’ll have to jump through. Like passing an insurance exam and a background check. If you can’t do that, he literally suggests cheating the system by having your boyfriend or girlfriend or best buddy get licensed for you, and then partnering up. PHP Agency will provide all the training, tools, and ongoing support. Oh, and carefully choreographed live events that feed on your aspirations, leaving you yearning for the promised riches of those who spoke on stage.
“We’re also financially compensated by your success,” Matt admits. “So we’re on the same side of the table as you are. If you’re successful, we’re successful.” True, but what he omitted was, even if you’re not successful, they’re successful. Why? Because they charge you all kinds of money for training fees and event tickets and back-office this and blueprint that. And then you’ll “build your team” and Patrick Bet-David and Matt and someone way up your upline will all buy new Ferraris – even if y’all never sell a single life insurance policy.